the girls were at the slumber party they were watching a movie, until they started hearing some scratching on the window, and they could feel breathing on their necks but when they turned around nothing was there, they went and checked the window but they couldn’t see anything. so they just went to sleep. in the middle of the night and one of the girls named Elizabeth heard a scary noise from the closet. and she got up and opened the closet and she could see this white outline that looks like a person, and she could see these little white dots that looks like eyes, and she woke up her friends and they all went and checked and nothing was there. and when they all went back to sleep this time a girl named Leah heard a noise from the kitchen, they were upstairs so it was really quiet no one else woke up so she went and checked and she saw a white outline of a tall figure about 8 ft tall and with red eyes and a giant smile’ so she went and woke up everybody they all checked and this time they peeked around the corner and they all saw it this time it transformed into her dog she’s had for 9 years’ so they had to get rid of the dog and they gave it to their cousins. and last week the dog died we buried it in it’s favorite dog park and last night I heard the sound of his barks from my closet…