Once upon a time there was an old cabin in the woods people spread rumors about witches living there and everybody believed it so I’ve been trying out there and I only found potions which means the witches were real or either it’s just a scientist so I found a ring and I put it on I’ve ventured out into the woods and I was chopping down some trees when I heard some cackling and I saw some hanging hats in the trees that look like witch hats then I saw something fly past me I thought it was a bird until I looked up and saw it was a broom with no one on it so I went back home and I studied the ring I found out that it was from a Dead witch that had been burned at the stake and so I put the ring back but I still keep having weird stuff happen and one day while I was in my room I heard some tapping on my window and my door shut so I tried to go open it but it was locked and I walked over to my bed hopped up on top of my bed looked out the window and I saw these witches surrounding my house with pitchfork and torches and they were trying to burn down my house and so I got hurt in the fire and I’m still in the hospital but every night I still hear the creepy cackling.